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How to Write While on Vacation-1-17-11

I travel a lot, and I know it can be hard to bring work along when you’re on vacation, but there are some things you can do that will make it easier for you.

I always travel with a Netbook. It’s smaller than a normal laptop (not to mention cheaper!), and I am still able to access documents I need and connect to the Internet when I have a chance. Many restaurants and coffee shops have free Internet connections available, and it’s a great way to break up travel by stopping for a bite to eat and spending some time working.

Try to fit writing in with sightseeing. Will there be a train or bus ride to your destination? Count that as extra time to get work done before you get to the attraction. Will you be spending time at the beach or pool? Take along a notebook and jot down ideas while you relax.

If you’re on vacation in a city, find a local library and check it out. Some libraries have writing groups that meet there and you would probably be more than welcome to sit in with the regulars. It’s a new audience for you, and a chance to learn something different.

While you’re taking pictures, write down impressions and ideas about what you’re photographing. You might use the information in your writing later, and it will help you look at the places with different eyes if you’re documenting it as you go along.

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