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Writing Inspriation - Record Your Family History

Everyone has a story to tell, and one thing I particularly enjoy is hearing stories from my own family. What I do is ask questions such as: 
  • How did you meet your spouse?
  • What did you like about school? 
  • What hobbies did you have? 
  • What’s the most interesting thing that ever happened to you?

I write things down in stories on my computer, but you could also use a tape recorder and interview your family that way.
Learning about your family can give you some great ideas for stories. You might choose to write the stories exactly as you hear them, or you could turn them into fiction by changing a few of the facts. If you’re suffering from writer’s block, a family story might be just the thing to get you started writing again.
If your own family history doesn’t interest you, maybe you could visit a local nursing home to learn about someone else’s history. There is a world of stories out there waiting to be written, and you might be just the one to write them!

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