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How to Get Ready for the School Season and Have Time to Write

Getting ready for the school season can be a speed bump in summer fun. You know it’s coming, but it feels like it’s coming too fast. Here are a few tips to get things ready and still have time to write.

First of all, once you have your list of items needed for school, find out if another parent will be kind enough to buy double of everything so you don’t have to go shopping at all, with you paying your half once the shopping is done. If this doesn’t work, how about splitting the job with another parent – you go to one store, they go to another. This helps both of you.

Second, try getting everything ready all at once – school supplies, clothes, books – and setting it up in a closet somewhere that won’t be in the way. I find that if I spend one day working hard at getting it all put together, it leaves me more time to write than if I spend a couple hours here and there spread out over a few weeks.

Third, check what you already have before you buy something new. Have you emptied the backpack your child brought home in June? It might be full of things on the list of school supplies. Can your child re-use notebooks and folders? Are there enough pencils/pens/crayons left from last year that you don’t need to shop for new?

If you’re able to split the shopping with someone, work hard for a day rather than spread the work out, and reuse and recycle old school supplies, you should be able to get ready for the new school year and still have time to write.

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