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Self-Published Author Interview Series - Author Corinne Frontiero

As part of today’s self-published-author interview series, we talk to Corinne Frontiero, author, presenter and facilitator. Corinne is the author of three relationship recovery e-books: "Moving Forward," "Project Teen Intervene" and the "Children’s Divorce Support Group,"

Tell us about your self-published book.

I have three relationship recovery books that are self-published. This interview will cover "Moving Forward."
"Moving Forward" is a love relationship and divorce recovery handbook. Its’ intent is to act as a guide on how not to repeat past relationship mistakes. It defines the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship.

The book discusses family dynamics, and how they play into our unhealthy love relationships. It gives one an insight on how destructive parenting relationships have set us up for being eternal caregivers. The book shares the warning signs of unhealthy relationships such as the addictive relationship and the abusive relationship. Its’ goal is to help you examine “perpetual cycles” you play out.

The book could be considered a measurement of where one is and if they are in a healthy relationship. "Moving Forward" gives us the tools to understand what a healthy love relationship is and how to exist in one.

Why did you decide to self-publish?

I decided to self-publish in lieu of waiting for a publisher because that could be a very long waiting game.

What was your biggest challenge to overcome in self-publishing your book and why?

The biggest challenge I had to overcome in self-publishing my book was building my website: I had little to no html experience. I constructed a profile on My Space simply to gain a higher understanding of how templates worked. Once I got my domain, I sat in front of the computer for about three weeks before the light finally came on. Thank goodness. After that, everything came naturally. It took me about a month-and-a-half to build the entire website.

What has been the best part about self-publishing your book and why?

Through affiliations in self-publishing, I have also had the opportunity to utilize my facilitator skills by conducting workshops. Recent ones have included: Working Out Writer’s Block, Healthy Boundaries and Finding Time to Write, and Overcoming Social Anxiety and Public Speaking.

I was given my own radio show, “Reading, Writing and Relationships,” by the folks at Motown Writers Network on Blog Talk Radio which I really enjoy hosting. I have met some wonderful people through the MWN.

In addition, I have become both a national and local writer writing on divorce recovery and pets for

What advice do you have for other writers who are self-publishing their book?

Self-publishing is a long process but so is seeking out a publisher. Why not do both? While you are waiting to hear from a publisher, build your own website, download your books and try to sell them from there.

Don’t get discouraged. Everything takes time.

Is there anything you would like to add?

Make sure to have your work copyrighted through the National Library of Congress. Talk to others about computer tips and tricks as you go along. Learn how to use publishing tools by getting out there and writing or blogging.

Keep writing and try other genres, too.

What great advice Corinne! Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your self-publishing experience. We wish you all the best with your books and future engagements!

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