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How to Make Back to School Fun

Summer is flying by, and before you know it, it will be time for the kids to go back to school. With this in mind, try to do a few things to prepare now so you can save time, money and reduce stress later on. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Do as much as possible in advance.
Check with the school to find out what your child will need for the next year and make a list. Then, keep your eyes open at garage sales and sales at local stores for things on that list.

2. Set up a schedule and go over it with your children before the school year begins.
A new school year can be fun, but it can also be stressful, so the more a child knows what to expect, the better. Put up a calendar showing sport practices, piano lessons and other scheduled activities so your kids know which days they have certain activities and which days they have free.

3. Plan some fun activities the kids can look forward to enjoying.
Don’t have your children associate summer with fun and the school year with work. Instead, try to plan fun activities each month. Here’s an idea. Throughout the entire year, have your kids write down ten of their favorite activities (such as a trip to the zoo, going to a movie, or even choosing what you’ll have for dinner). Then, put the ten choices in a bag and schedule a day each month when your child can reach in and pull out a choice for a treat that month. It’s a fun way to make your child feel special and spend some quality time together.

Back-to-school doesn’t need to be a stressful time and abrupt end to fun. Instead, take a little time to prepare now, and both you and your children may look forward to the cooler months ahead.

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